Sunday, November 28, 2010

305. Very Technical is Subjective

Ni ada 40 langkah saya susun khas untuk guna GIT. Disebabkan ramai yang bertanya di ruang maya ini, saya rasa terpanggil untuk berkongsi perihal pemasangan GIT ini. Ini saya belajar semasa berada di ofis lama. Moga memberi manfaat kepada yang memerlukan, InsyaAllah.

Installation and Configuration for GIT On Server Centos 5.4

1) Install the dependencies
$ yum install gettext-devel expat-devel curl-devel zlib-devel openssl-devel gcc

2) Change directory
$ cd /usr/local/src

3) Get the git source code
$ wget

4) Untar the git source code
$ tar xzvf git-

5) Change Directory
$ cd git-

6) Install from source using configure and make command
$ ./configure

$ make

8) Install Git
$ make install

9) Test it
$ git --version
git version

10) SSH to server
$ ssh user3@x.x.x.x

11) Change directory
$ cd /home/user3

12) Create new folder
$ mkdir git-mysystem

13) Change directory
$ cd git-mysystem/

14) Copy from source
$ cp -R /var/www/html/mysystem/* /home/user3/git-mysystem

15) Initialize git repository
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /var/www/html/git-mysystem/.git/

16) Description (optional)
$ echo "My System" > .git/description

17) Edit .gitignore
$ nano .gitignore

18) Tell git to take a snapshot of the contents of all files under the current directory
$ git add .

19) Commit
$ git commit -m 'Initial commit'

20) Check log
$ git log

21) To allow git push from client PC
$ git config --bool core.bare true

On local:
22) Change directory
$ cd /var/www

23) Config the user which will be used by git
$ git config --global 'Ali Bin Ahmad'

24) Same for the email addess
$ git config --global

25) To set up a new repo on your local computer, use the following syntax:
$ git clone user3@x.x.x.x:/home/user3/git-mysystem

$ git remote rm origin
$ git remote add origin user3@x.x.x.x:/home/user3/git-mysystem
$ git config branch.master.remote origin
$ git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master

27) Status, add, commit and push
$ git status
$ git add .htaccess
$ git commit -m "missing file"
$ git push

Create Development Repository
On Server:
28) $ su root
29) $ cd /var/www/html
30) $ git clone /home/user3/git-mysystem
31) $ chown user3:user3 git-mysystem -R
32) $ exit
$ cp -R /var/www/html/mysystem/app/tmp /var/www/html/git-mysystem/app/
$ cp -R /var/www/html/mysystem/app/config/database.php /var/www/html/git-mysystem/app/config/
$ cp -R /var/www/html/mysystem/app/webroot/files /var/www/html/git-mysystem/app/webroot/

33) $ git remote add origin /home/user3/git-mysystem
34) $ git config branch.master.remote origin
35) $ git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master
36) $ git pull

Auto Git Pull
37) $ cd /home/user3/git-mysystem/.git/hooks
38) $ cp post-receive.sample post-receive
39) $ nano post-receive
cd /var/www/html/git-mysystem
git --git-dir /var/www/html/git-mysystem/.git --work-tree /var/www/html/git-mysystem pull

Copy To Production
40) $ git archive --format=zip HEAD >
